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HSE Policy

We recognize that environment, occupational health and safety are essential for its overall business objectives and we are committed to achieve sound HSE performance by:

  • Complying with relevant HSE legislations and other requirements.

  • Identifying significant environmental aspects and safety hazards/ risks.

  • Preventing injury and ill health, minimizing or eliminating environmental pollution and resource depletion wherever reasonably practicable to do so.

  • Providing HSE education and training for employees including contractors.

  • Implementing HSE objectives and targets, management programs and appropriate control measures.

  • Communicate HSE concerns with our employees and all relevant external parties including contractors, visitors and the general public.

  • Regularly assessing compliance with the HSE Policy through periodic monitoring, evaluating and reporting our HSE performance.

  • Empowering of our employee or contractor to stop any work that is unsafe or does not comply with safety regulations/procedures. They are protected from reprisals including any reporting of any incident.

  • Promoting worker consultation and participation.

  • Committing to SGSecure.

With management leadership and employee involvement, we shall work as a team to constantly maintain and improve our HSE management systems in Crane and Crane & Transport, Project Engineering, Marine Transportation, Oil and Gas Facilities as well as a range of maintenance and supporting activities including the offsite activities at the customer sites.